Recently I reposted an article from CNBC titled “I Work in the Office 4 days a Week—Here’s Why it’s Where I’m the Most Focused and Productive.” In doing so I wrote: “For new grads who think working from home 5 days a week is a plus, think again.” My repost received well over 1,000 views and much to my surprise, many of the comments challenged the authors thesis. Readers commented that working in an office is “very baby boomer thinking” and said how much more productive they were from home. Respectfully, I feel they missed the point. Let’s face it, technology has made it possible to work anywhere; from home to coffeehouses to offices. Said another way, technology enables you to drive transactions. But as a recent grad, you should welcome the chance to become part of a “live” community. Join an environment where you can develop in-person relationships and learn from others. Over the years I can’t tell you how valuable I found “hallway conversations” that helped me grow personally as well as professionally. Your job out of college should be more than driving transactions. Find one where you can develop relationships while you learn from the wisdom and experiences of others