What Employers Seek on a Resume

The Following was published by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers). Its great information as to the attributes employers want to see in new hires transitioning from campus to a career:

NACE: December 11, 2017:

According to results of NACE’s Job Outlook 2018 survey, Employers responding to the survey said these are attributes—beyond a strong GPA—that they most want to see on students’ resumes. Not only are problem-solving skills and teamwork abilities the most desired attributes, but they are of equal importance.
Other attributes that employers value and want to see evidence of on students’ resumes are written communication skills, leadership abilities, and a strong work ethic.
Work experience—and particularly internship experience—also carries a lot of weight with employers. In fact, employers cited internship experience with the organization as the top factor influencing their decision when choosing between two otherwise equally qualified candidates, followed by whether the candidate has internship experience within the hiring organization’s industry.
Data for the Job Outlook 2018 survey were collected from August 9, 2017, through October 2, 2017. A total of 201 surveys were returned—a 20.5 percent response rate. Attributes Employers Seek on a Candidate’s Resume:

  • Problem-solving skills: 82.9%
  • Ability to work in a team: 82.9%
  • Communication skills (written): 80.3%
  • Leadership: 72.6%
  • Strong work ethic: 68.4%
  • Analytical/quantitative skills: 67.5%
  • Communication skills (verbal):67.5%
  • Initiative: 67.5%
  • Detail-oriented: 64.1%
  • Flexibility/adaptability: 60.7%
  • Technical skills: 59.8%
  • Interpersonal skills (relates well to others): 54.7%
  • Computer skills: 48.7%
  • Organizational ability: 48.7%
  • Strategic planning skills: 39.3%
  • Creativity: 29.1%
  • Friendly/outgoing personality: 27.4%
  • Tactfulness: 22.2%
  • Entrepreneurial skills/risk-taker: 19.7%
  • Fluency in a foreign language: 4.3%